Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Organization....or Lack Thereof

Recently my workaholic husband took a WHOLE week off. And during this week he went on a organizing frenzy. In one day he purchased a label maker, binders, and paper shredder. In my opinion, a label maker is a true sign of an organized person. I feel that in a marriage there needs to be lots of compromises. One of the compromises in our marriage has been that he needs to let go of some of the organized clutter going on in our house, and I need to try a little harder to stay organized. Honestly, I just don't think that way. I am a scatterbrain! I can't help it. But I do try. However, sometimes I just don't see things the way he sees them. For instance, we were putting the groceries away one evening and as we opened the cabinets he just shook his head and pointed out the obvious, which I didn't notice. I just laughed and of course, took a picture. Maybe he just faced way to many shelves at the grocery store where he worked as a teenager.....or maybe it's just me.


Cagey (Kelli Oliver George) said...

Well, you already know whose side I am on this one. :-)

Chocolate Covered Susan said...

Oh my gosh! You just described my husband and me to a T!! He needs everything neat and orderly (but doesn't notice that he just tracked mud all the way from the front door to the kitchen). And I could care less about the clutter, but get infuriated about the mud. And my pantry looks eerily similar to your picture! You'll have to let me know how the compromises work out - we could use some advice here!

Jen said...

Oh my goodness. You described our marriage to a tee. Brian is the organized one and if he had a stressful day he goes on an organization spree. Over the years I have tried to keep the home tidy, but I will never think like him so the organization sprees continue.

Next time you are over. I will have to show you one of my cabinets or better yet my office. Your pictures looks organized to me :)

kreed said...

I always consider myself lucky if I am not hit with falling Tupperware or boxes when I open a cabinet. And I am afraid a label maker wouldn't help me!